
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition that can significantly impact physical and mental health. Therapy can be beneficial for woman who struggle with this condition, due to the unique challenges they face.

PCOS affects approximately 6-12% of woman. Woman are typically diagnosed in their teenage years to early 20s.

emotional support

Provides a safe space to express feelings about diagnosis, treatment, and symptoms of PCOS.

stress management

Learn stress-reduction techniques that can help with managing chronic stress often associated with PCOS.

Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression is common in individuals with PCOS due to hormonal imbalances and the psychological impact of the condition.

body image & self esteem

PCOS can affect body image and self-esteem, by addressing these challenges, body image can be improved, and self-confidence increased.

Relationship support

Relationship challenges may arise due to intimacy, fertility, and difficulties in communication.

fertility support

Emotional support and coping strategies are utilized to help assist in challenges facing fertility.


  • Sessions are 53-mins in length.

  • It is crucial that you come to sessions ready to engage. Active engagement looks like; active participation by sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences openly and honestly. Being open to discuss difficult topics and be honest about your feelings. Show commitment by regularly attending sessions and being punctual. Reflecting on thoughts and behaviors outside of sessions to deepen understanding and progress. Apply coping strategies and techniques and tools. Provide feedback to therapist about what is and is not working. Being patient and understanding therapy is a process, and is not linear. Set realistic and meaningful goals. Respecting confidentiality and maintaining a trusting relationship with your therapist.

  • Your therapy sessions are customized to meet your needs and comfort level. During sessions modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Somatic Therapy and Mindfulness may be utilized.